Gift Ideas For Employees/ Thank You Gift Ideas For Employees/ Appreciation Gift Ideas For Employess/Corporate Gift Ideas
1. A Letter : An appreciation letter is a great way to appreciate the hard work of an employee. It costs nothing much. Few good words from the employer or the boss can encourage employees to give out their best. Also check our amazing collection on appreciation messages for employees.
2. Tasty treats: Depending on the size and affordability of the company, employees can be appreciated with tasty treats. A slice of pie, a piece of cake or some tea bags are all extraordinary ways to say thank you to an employee. These treats can be on very special occasions or on a monthly or fortnightly basis.
3. Flowers: Every employee would love to receive flowers or a simple bouquet of flowers. It can be a great thank you gift. Insert some tags to make your gift appear more like a professional gift.
4. Cafe Latte: Bottled coffee drinks as a Cappuccino with a little thank you note is another cute way to say thank you to all employees. Employees will feel valued with simple thank you gifts such as this one.

5. A company lunch/Dinner : Every single day need not be the same for employees. A simple thank you lunch or dinner for employees to say "Hi" and have a chat can even be an awesome gift. This way employees will find time to chat and have some fun, away from their busy and stressful work desk.
6. A Family Movie Pass: Away from work, employees would love to have fun and entertainment with their family. A Family Movie Pass is a just the right way to project your company as a Family friendly company. Employees and their family will feel valued too!
7. Business Tote bag: A thank you gift can be something simple as tote bag. A business tote bag will be really useful for employees to carry around their office supplies and other materials. Employees would be even proud to carry it around.
8. Reward program for supermarkets: Employees can be awarded with reward points for good work, punctuality, team success etc. These points can be exchanged for discounts while shopping at the supermarket. It is not just a thank you gift, but a great way to encourage employees to give out their best to the company.
Thank you gifts no matter how simple they are, has a value. It helps employees to feel loved, valued and appreciated. If employees feel valued, they would transfer their enthusiasm to their work. Treasure your employees as they are heartbeat of any business!
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